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Bourbon Steak Sauce

Category: Amy > Dinner

This steak sauce is delicious on steak and potatoes. It is very spicy! The combination of peppercorn and bourbon both make it really hot.

Servings: 4-6
Preparation Time: 10 min
Cooking Time: 60 min
Author Rating: 8/10
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0.66667 cupbeef stock
3 teaspoonblack peppercorns, crushed
0.66667 cupbourbon
1 tablespoonbutter
0.25 teaspooncorn starch
5 tablespoonmilk


Step 1
Crush the peppercorns with a mortar and pestle.
Step 2
Add all ingredients except the corn starch in a sauce pan. Bring to a boil on the stove and simmer for 60 minutes.
Step 3
Remove some of the sauce into a glass and whisk in the corn starch. Pour the mixture back into the sauce pan and cook for a few more minutes until the sauce thickens.


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