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Pan Pizza

Category: Amy > Dinner

This pizza is super heavy and yummy. It fries in a ton of oil and is just all around yummy.

Servings: 8
Preparation Time: 24 hours
Cooking Time: 35 mins
Author Rating: 8/10
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625 gramflour (mix of white/whole wheat)
0.5 cupmonterey jack cheese
2 cupmozzarella cheese
1 teaspoonsalt
2 cupwarm water (about 110F)
2 teaspoonyeast


Step 1
Mix the flour/yeast/salt. Add in 2c of warmed water (about 110F) Mix the dough with a spoon and let it rest in the fridge overnight (24 hours is fine).
Step 2
The next day, add about 3 tablespoons of olive oil into each cast iron pan. Spread the dough out to cover the bottom of the pan. Wait about 60-90 mins for the dough to rise up a bit more. Line the edges of the dough with grated monterey jack cheese. Spread the sauce on top, add your toppings and mozzarella, then back at 425F for about 30 mins.


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