Basic chili recipe mild w variety of beans

Basic chili recipe thats mild 1 lb ground meat of your choice (most like beef) 1 medium onion chopped 1 green pepper (bell pepper) chopped (optional) 2 cloves garlic minced 1 to 2 tblspns mild chili powder 1 bay leaf 1 tsp oregano 1 tsp ground cumin salt and black pepper to taste 28 oz crushed tomato product or diced tomatoes 2 15 oz cans of the beans of your choice...kidney, black, rosales, or pinto, or black eye peas if you like. method: saute onion and garlic (and green pepper) until softened, add meat in small bits and brown, add spices, herbs, and tomato product and beans (drained), stir to incorporate. cover and simmer 1 1/2 hrs to meld flavors. Stir every 20 min or so, or use the oven at 350*F serve over rice or cornbread or Cincinatti style over spaghetti you can make it juicier by adding more tomato you can make it spicier by adding more chili powder this is a very basic mild recipe enjoy

Preparation Time: 5 minutes
Cooking Time: simmer 1.5 hrs
Author Rating: 1/10
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