Swedish Meatballs

Servings: 4
Author Rating: 1/10


1 cupbeef broth
2 tablespoonbutter
1 dashcayene pepper
1 12 oz bagegg noodles
2 tablespoonflour
8 ounceground meat
0.5 teaspoonsalt
1 cupsour cream
0.5 teaspoonWorcestershire sauce


Start noodles cooking according to package directions. If using cooked meatballs, reheat in oil for a few minutes or fry uncooked meatballs until done. Drain on paper towels. Combine remaining ingredients for sour cream sauce. Fold meatballs into sour cream sauce. Drain noodles when cooked and serve meatballs on cooked noodles.
Recipe provided via www.MeanMeals.com