
tasty bread for breakfast toast or as a side to soup or chili

Servings: approx 10-12 slices
Preparation Time: 15 minutes
Cooking Time: 45 minutes
Author Rating: 8/10


1 teaspoonbaking powder
2 eggs
2.25 cupflour
2 teaspoonsugar
1 cupyougurt


Step 1
mix dry ingredients (flour, sugar, baking powder). I usually use a mix of different flours (rye, kamut, whole wheat, white - approx 1/2 cup each). You can also add spices now (I usually add salt, garlic poweder and rosemary)
Step 2
mix wet ingredients (yogurt, eggs)
Step 3
mix wet ingredients with dry ones. IMPORTANT: do this by hand so when you've done this a few times you can tell if the dough is too wet or dry
Step 4
oil a loaf pan and put dough in the pan (you can start to preheat the toaster oven now)
Step 5
bake at 375 for 45 minutes (note this is for my toaster oven, you mileage may vary)
Step 6
take out of toaster oven and remove from pan, remove toaster oven grate & let bread cool on it
Step 7
slice & eat :)
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